Diana, Shirley and Herlinda ready for school
I get embarrassed in those situations because it isn’t true. The children love me a lot, due to, I think, the wonderful home they live in and the wonderful way they were hard wired to love the big people in their lives. So, really, that compliment needs to go to Shyrel, for the beauty of the home and the hard work and love that maintains it, and to their heavenly father, for the beauty of these little creations, and the redeeming love that is at work here.
They really are loving and beautiful, and I receive comments like the teacher’s regularly. People notice, I think, the special joy these children have. I am amazed regularly, myself, how happy the children are. Ours really is a happy home. There really is a lot of Joy. And a lot of patience and love. There is a remarkable amount of kindness too, between the workers and the children, and between children. And they are pretty well behaved when out and about in our neighborhood.
Selvin and Bryan helping out front
Those attributes, though, aren’t fruit of our labor, although it takes a lot of work. Galatians 5:22 shows a different source of this fruit: the Holy Spirit. How does that fruit come to be? I believe that that is where our prayer partners come in. One of the strengths of our lives is the prayer covering our friends have provided since we first came to Guatemala. We can’t thank them enough.
PRAYER WORKS, I am here to testify. If you would like to receive prayer requests and updates that we don’t publish publicly, please e-mail me, and ask to be put on the list.
Bryan and Angel practicing what I mean
Not all our neighbors are happy to see a big group of cute albeit lively children, and as we played with the children in the new house Sunday evening, a neighbor came out on his balcony and and threw insults and comments about having a day care business in his neighborhood. Being deaf, I didn’t hear him, but Shyrel told me later. She took the brunt of his tirade, and took it as she does most suffering, very stoically, but I am sure it stung her. One wants to respond in these situations. Then as I went in to close up the house, she told the kids that this neighbor needed a blessing, and so she had the children all say in chorus “ God Bless you” as they left. A powerful response, and one, I have to admit, I wouldn’t have thought of.